Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Furuno GP330B GPS/WAAS Sensor f/NMEA2000


GP330B The GP-330B is a high performance GPS Receiver designed for any type of vessel. This compact and cost-effective receiver offers extremely accurate position fixes, within 3 meters with the WAAS mode activated. The GP330B is capable of data output in NMEA2000 format, making it an ideal GPS sensor for use with NavNet 3D systems. [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Maretron CLM100 Current Loop Monitor


CLM100 Current Loop Monitor Maretron’s CLM100 converts commercially available 4-20mA current loop transducers into digital data so a wide variety of information can be displayed on Maretron displays. Numerous 4-20mA current loop transducers are supported by the CLM100 including transducers for monitoring DC voltage and current, flow rate, distance, linear velocity and acceleration, angle, angular [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Maretron FPM100 Fluid Pressure Monitor


Fluid Pressure Monitor Maretron’s Fluid Pressure Monitor is used to adapt up to six pressure transducers to the NMEA 2000® network (pressure transducers sold separately). This allows you to observe fluid pressures and tank levels anywhere on the vessel where there are NMEA 2000® compatible displays. With the appropriate transducer, the FPM100 reports either pressure [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Maretron Submersible Pressure Transducer 0-3 PSI


Submersible Pressure Transducer 0-3 PSI Maretron’s submersible pressure transducers indicate tank levels and can be installed directly in the tank. Please follow these instructions to mount and connect a submersible pressure transducer to an NMEA 2000® network via a Maretron FPM100 Fluid Pressure Monitor. Maretron recommends one of two methods for mounting a submersible pressure [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Maretron ACM100 Alternating Current Monitor


ACM100 Alternating Current Monitor Maretron’s ACM100 is a device which monitors AC power sources and outputs information about these sources onto the industry standard NMEA 2000® marine data network. The ACM100 can monitor power busses, generators, or utility power. ACM100 output information is then displayed with networked NMEA 2000® equipment such as the Maretron DSM250 [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Airmar Noland RS11 Analog to NMEA 2000 Data Converter


Noland RS11 Analog to NMEA 2000 Data Converter The RS11 is intended for converting Tach and analog sensor data into NMEA 2000 messages for display by devices such as chart plotter MFDs (Multifunction Displays). The engine connections are made to existing gauges or directly to senders if there is no gauge. The RS11 can provide [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Digital Yacht SPL2000 VHF/AIS Powered Antenna Splitter


SPL2000 AIS-VHF Antenna Splitter The SPL2000 allows the boat’s VHF antenna to be used for both an AIS and VHF simultaneously. It uses ZeroLoss technology and is suitable for use with AIS Class B transponder systems as well as AIS receivers. It’s also designed as a failsafe device with automatic priority given to the connected [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Maretron Solid-State Rate/Gyro Compass w/o Cables


Solid-State Rate/Gyro Compass without Cables Maretron’s SSC300, implementing the second generation of Maretron’s award-wining compass technology, is a solid state, rate gyro electronic compass that provides better than 0.7x heading accuracy through q45x of roll and pitch angle, and better than 1x roll and pitch accuracy in static conditions. Each SSC300 is factory calibrated for [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Maretron FFM100 Fuel Flow Monitor


Fuel Flow MonitorPart #: FFM100-01 Maretron’s FFM100 provides precision fuel flow information to help optimize fuel consumption, which can save thousands of dollars in fuel operating cost. The FFM100 uses state-of-the-art, positive displacement metering technology for unprecedented accuracy. In fact, the accuracy of the FFM100 is nearly that of commercial vessel systems costing tens of [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Clipper NMEA 2000 Compliant Wind System


Clipper NMEA 2000 Compliant Wind System The Wind System consists of the version 2 mast head sensor and a small translator box, the box is fitted with a ‘micro-c’ connector which plugs directly into an existing NMEA 2000 network. NMEA 2000 Compliant Wind system is supplied complete with masthead unit, 20 meters of cable, mast [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

McMurdo SmartFind M15S AIS Receiver/Splitter


SmartFind M15S AIS Class B Receiver/Splitter McMurdo’s SmartFind M15S is a low cost receiver that puts AIS technology within the reach of even those on a limited budget. It receives all Class A, Class B, AIS SART, AIS MOB and AIS Base Station transmissions, plotting their positions directly on your chartplotter or PC/Mac using the [...]

Marine Navigation & Instruments > NMEA Cables & Sensors

Maretron DCR100-01 Direct Current Relay Module


Maretron’s DCR100 contains 6 Direct Current (DC) relays, each capable of switching up to 10amps. The DCR100 connects directly to an NMEA 2000 network, so you can turn on and off the relays from any device onboard or remotely running Maretron’s N2KViewr software. The DCR100 easily handles resistive DC loads like lights, or inductive DC [...]